I was lucky enough to have a quick chat and get my lipstick touched-up by the exceptional make-up artist Sam Fine. You know, the makeup artist to high profile stars like, Vanessa Williams, Mo’Nique, Patti LaBelle, Mary J. Blige, and Supermodel Iman to name a few. And oh, he said that he loved the way I did my eyebrows! He is truly the makeup artist extraordinaire, and knows more than a thing or two about putting your best face forward.
I asked Sam what colors we should be wearing for the holiday season. He says, “This is a great time of the the year to be bold, step outside of the usual color palette. Play with the colors that go unused in your makeup kit. We are heading into a new year, so bring forth the new you!” Sam also said, “There is no need to make dramatic changes. Start with your favorite feature and play it up!”
Another thing that Sam and I discussed was the importance of using good brushes. Brushes are the key to applying the right amount of color; blending eyeshadow, blush and powder, as well as achieving a polished look. And naturally since I was in the chair getting my lips done, I asked if it were truly necessary to used a lip-brush, and I got a resounding “Yes!” He says, “applying from lipstick directly from the the tube is only acceptable in a pinch.”

Sam Fine, The Exceptional Make-up Artist
My chat with Sam was short but very powerful. As he talked with me, women stood to watch, listen, waited to ask questions, or ask for a photograph with him. Mr. Fine graciously granted everyone’s request, (while touching me up and questioning me about the date I was heading to!), without making any of us feel short changed. This is why we love him. Yes, he’s very skilled at teaching us how to apply the face paint, but he also reminds us, that the makeup just enhances who we already are.
For more information on Sam Fine, and to purchase his book or DVD, visit; http://www.samfine.com