You may have seen or read about women answering a very popular beauty and necessities question: “what’s in your handbag?”. This time around, we’re taking it to the bathroom to discuss “what’s in your medicine cabinet?” and “when was the last time you cleaned out your medicine cabinet?” Did you know, over one-third (34%) of women admit to having more than 20 products stored in their medicine cabinet, and more than one in three (36%) women admit to cleaning out their medicine cabinet less than once every two years? In fact, 13% of women admit to not ever cleaning out their medicine cabinets!! Omg! Ladies we need to get on it!

Summertime usually means a lot more products that get added to the mix to your beauty regiment. Everything from sunscreens, bronzers, no-frizz hair conditioner, and plenty of lotions and ointments to try and minimize the effect the sun, surf, and mother nature can have on your skin during the summer months. So many products, especially lotions, it can actually be a bit overwhelming and begin to clutter your medicine cabinet.

Medicine Cabinet clean out


For my clean out mission, I set out to take inventory in my own medicine cabinet as well as give it a summer refresher with some essentials.  Luckily, it wasn’t too much of a train wreck, and I noticed I have a serious nail polish fetish (and that’s not even all of them, as there are more in the cabinet under my sink 😉

I prefer not to have an overflowing medicine cabinet, as I want to avoid things toppling over and falling out as soon as I open the door. So, I made a short checklist of mandatories to cover the 3 main areas for my beauty needs:

1. Hair – Styling products

2. Skin – lotion/cleanser/face cream

3. Nail – polishes and remover

Too many lotions are the biggest culprits in cabinet clutter. Most lotions that feel good and clean don’t always keep lasting moisture in your skin, and the lotions that last, feel heavy and greasy. My arms and legs tend to suck up moisture like a dry sponge, and I don’t want to have to make the tradeoff between a lotion that feels good versus one that lasts to avoid the alligator blues. My family favorite, Vaseline Total Moisture lotion, not only eliminates the needs to have a bunch of lotions cluttering up my medicine cabinet,Vaseline Total moisture lotion
but also keeps my legs and arms soft and summer sexy with a fast-absorbing and hydrating formula that feels good on my skin while doing good for my skin. I also keep a bottle of the Vaseline Total Moisture Cocoa Radiant version in the boys’ bathroom for their “ashy” knees ;).  The Vaseline petroleum is also great for rough feet, elbows and dry lips (Lip Therapy). You can even give yourself an at home pedicure treatment with plastic wrap, socks, and a generous amount of Vaseline.

Now that I’ve gotten my skin needs taken care of, finally, I organize my nail polishes, cuticle oil, get a fresh jar of polish remover, and voila! Check out my newly organized medicine cabinet!

Medicine Cabinet Clean out Vaseline Total


We want to know, what’s in your medicine cabinet? Are you a lotion “hoarder”? How many lotions do you have? Tell us below, tweet @Stylemom & @VaselineBrand with #Vaseline, or post on our Stylemom Facebook page, your “lotion hoarder” stories and how many lotions you have and 5 lucky Stylemom readers will when a Vaseline Total Moisture prize package! 

(Prize entries will run until Aug 25th. Randomly selected winners announced Aug 27th)

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