My first trip to a Kiehl’s store was , with my cousin who had discovered it on one her weekend jaunts to Manhattan.  She promptly informed me that we were going to the city to a “cool” skincare shop. We jumped in her Volkswagen Jetta and headed south.  An hour later we were on  3rd Avenue looking for parking.  We walked up to the store and it didn’t look all that “cool”.  It looked like a regular pharmacy to me.  Until I saw the Harley Davidson’s on display.  I thought “Okay, this is a cool pharmacy”.

Kiehl’s is one of the first skin and haircare lines that has always created products that were derived using botanical and marine ingredients.

Here are three of my favorite Kiehl’s products.

Lip Balm #1 - Vanilla

I love this lip balm.  I am often on the back of a Harley Davidson in the warmer months, and need to keep my lips protected.  And yes, I like that it’s SPF free.  I find that the lip treatments with SPF in them make my lips dry.

Cucumber Herbal Alcohol-Free Toner

I keep this in the refrigerator in the summer.  It feels wonderful after a workout.  Cleansing and soothing.

Vital Sun Protection Lotion SPF 30

This is good for all year but I only use it in the summer.  It’s hydrating and lightweight; It’s also good for up to 80 minutes in the water.  Surf’s up!


For more information about Kiehl’s, visit:



Photos provided by Kiehl’s.