Last week we announced the debut of a new hosiery subscription service Hoseanna. This week we’re continuing Hoseanna’s launch celebration with a Q & A with our very own Founder/EIC and Hoseanna “Marathon Mom” brand ambassador, Nichelle Pace. founder Nichelle Pace

Hosanna: Finish this sentence. I am an “Marathon Mom” because…

Nichelle: I am an “Marathon Mom” because…from after school meetings, football games, track practice, to press events, fashion weeks, and social media conferences, my entire life is one infinite marathon

Hoseanna: How do you balance style with being ‘business appropriate’? Has that evolved over the years?

Nichelle: The easiest and most “PC” way to add style to business attire is to add a punch of color with jewelry, shoes, and/or scarf accessory. Of course as you mature, you’re fashion sense matures, that’s a natural progression of one’s own personal style. I’ve learned to combine my many “fashion moods” with being age and business appropriate.

Hoseanna: Confess! What’s your most embarrassing fashion moment?

Nichelle: I wore this fitted white dress at my friend’s mother’s wedding like 12 years ago, and I was not wearing the proper stockings/undergarment! It was a nightmare, ill fitted under garments were riding up & it was a MASSIVE panty line!

Hosanna: What’s your favorite type of hosiery?

Nichelle: Leggings, tights, printed hoisery/fishnets, trouser socks

Hosanna: What’s the best way to pair tights with your outfit whether its work or play?

Nichelle: Tights with boots is always an easy style to pull off. You can wear the look with a tunic dress or a pencil skirt. Sheer hose also look great with full (maybe with tulle slip) A-line skirt and a pair of mary jane pumps.

Hoseanna: If you could invite any four women to dinner, historical, fictional or current day, who would they be?

Nichelle: Wonder Woman, Coco Chanel, Wendy Williams, My great-great grandmother

Hoseanna: What is the best ‘reclaim your time’ tip you can give your readers?

Nichelle: The best way to even begin to ‘reclaim your time’ is to first let go of the guilt. Too many women, particularly mothers, hold on to guilt when doing things outside of their family obligations that are beneficial to themselves and their own mental health and well-being. Let go of the guilt before you take 5 minutes for yourself, and realize you deserve it and need it to be the best you.

Hoseanna: If you had a theme song what would it be?

Nichelle: Depends on the day what my theme song is: On good days when I feel like I have control over life, it’s Beyonce’s Diva or Kelis’s “I’m bossy”, on days when I don’t feel appreciated/respected it’s Cee-Lo Green’s F$%#k You, and then on the really crappy days it’s Alanis Morrissette’s Ironic

Hoseanna: What’s your guilty pleasure?

Nichelle: Turkey slim jims and milky way ice cream bars

Hoseanna: Finish this statement, “When I grow up I want to be….”

Nichelle: a great role model…..