Greetings Stylish moms and fashionistas!
I’ve learned of a cool website called, Rahul Mehendale, co-founder of mySkin informed me that the site is dedicated to providing unbiased skincare advice. Just Like Me (JLM), designed by dermatologist, plastic surgeons, and cosmetic pharmacologist, is the intuitive technology utilized to make the recommendation for what type of product is best for your skin.
Once you register with the site, you’re taken through a detailed skin/lifestyle assessment. The assessment takes less than 10 minuets and you feel as if you’re being questioned by a dermatologist, or an esthetician. The JLM tool, recommends products based on the data that you entered as well as other people’s (this is where the Just Like Me comes in) skincare profile is similar to your profile.
In addition to the recommendation, you are able to upload the products that you currently use and post ratings. The creative minds behind mySkin, designed a fun, informative website, where you can post skincare tips, keep a daily skin history journal, and join a community of savvy people that have the latest information on skincare products.
Go check it out and let me know what you think.