From heat, to beach traffic, to screaming kids at the beach, although many of us love summer, certain activities can bring on a headache. Here are a list of common headache causes of the season:

Brain Freeze — Although it usually lasts no more than five minutes, an “ice cream” headache is a common summer ailment. Cold – as in the ice cream suddenly, rapidly consumed – causes blood vessels in one’s brain to dilate, resulting in intense sudden pain. The best way to avoid this is to try and not have the icy cold substance touch the roof of one’s mouth. Relieving the short term painful effect of brain freeze, one can immediately warm the roof of the mouth with room temperature water.

Dehydration — Even mild dehydration can trigger a headache. With soaring temperatures and humidity, it is recommended to drink at least 1 to 2 liters of water a day and decrease intake of caffeine. This is especially important while lying in the sun for hours and not getting enough fluids. After a long day at the beach, one can combat dehydration as well as headache pain by drinking the required eight ounces of fluid to activate the pain relief from Dr. Mauskop’s Migralex TM, a fast acting aspirin-magnesium combination.

Excessive Sun Exposure — The burning heat and intense light from the sun is a major culprit, especially when coupled with a lack of fluids. Keep these simple tips in mind: wear polarized sunglasses to cut glare, chose light colored clothes, and wear a wide-brimmed hat that can help block the burning rays of the sun.

Hyperthermia — This occurs when the body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate. When the temperature climbs and the body reacts by overheating, painful headaches and other symptoms can result. Of course, to avoid drastic overheating, wear light clothing instead of darks and always wear a wide-brimmed straw hat. But Dr. Mauskop cautions that extreme overexposure to sun can start with a headache but if the body is not cooled down adequately, a headache can end in heat stroke or worse complications.

Scent Sensitivity — Although there are many highly perfumed sunscreens and insect repellents on the market, Dr. Mauskopsuggests one try to avoid them and select fragrance free sun and insect control products instead. Why? Strong scents are a headache trigger under any circumstances and in the hot, still air of summer these essences intensify and can cause a surprising amount of devastating headache pain.

Sleep Imbalance — Getting too little or too much sleep disrupts normal body rhythms. Such a change in pattern can trigger a headache. Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day – if the Summer season means waking up with the Sun, then go to bed when the moon rises. Watch what you eat and drink. Those fun, frothy alcoholic drinks – Pina Coladas, Cuba Libres, Margaritas, Frozen Fruit Daiquiris – are common headache triggers. And so are nitrates often found in our favorite cookout and picnic foods: hot dogs and cold cuts.

Exercising in Extreme Heat — Strenuous activity in hot weather can trigger a headache. The everyday run in the Summer’s heat, or an indoor treadmill session without air conditioning, can spur a headache. To avoid compromising oneself physically in the Summer heat and still enjoy a workout, it is critical not only to modify the exercise routine to avoid overexertion but to stay aware of the body’s reaction to the Summer’s heat. Stay hydrated. Acknowledge your limits. And when a headache sets in, have a fast acting pain reliever on hand, like Dr. Mauskop’s MigralexTM.

The new headache remedy MigralexDr. Alexander Mauskop, claims that it will act fast to keep you feeling fabulous during this warm and sunny season.  I have not had the opportunity to try the Migralex, but plan to as I am prone to headaches from high humidity.  Please post your comments about how it works for you.

Migralex $19.95


Dr. Mauskop’s Migralex™ is fast acting, free of sodium, caffeine and preservatives, and is clinically proven to ease headaches brought on by sinus pain, stress, tension, menstruation, and exertion. The magnesium-based formula reduces inflammation, inhibits the clumping together of platelets, relaxes blood vessels and normalizes dozens of chemical reactions, while successfully and rapidly attacking pain. For more information on Dr. Mauskop and his research with Magnesium, go to

NOTE: National Headache Awareness Week is June 6 -12, 2010

Sponsored by National Headache Foundation


Photo and product information is provided by LSZ Communications.