In these economic times, many folks are shopping smarter, and extending their wardrobe’s longevity by using tailors more often to fix clothing, and utilizing shoe repair services so those favorite shoes can walk a little longer. If you’ve invested in one or more designer handbags, don’t donate that old stained or worn designer bag to good will, or sell it to a consignment shop or at a flea market just yet. Show your purse some love and give it a face lift with Avelle BBOS’s new Handbag Repair service.
I’m a huge fan of Avelle’s rental service and discount designer shopping. Their new repair service range from $45-$175 and includes: cleaning, repairs, stain removal, leather reconditioning, parts replacement, deodorizing, handle reconstruction, and more.
Stained lining cleaning before and after
I recently gave Avelle’s repair service a test run with my favorite Prada goat fur messenger bag. Now I love this bag, as it was a Mother’s Day gift I’d given to myself five years ago. I had taken pretty good care of my bag, but the outside was starting to get a bit dingy and the inside lining was getting a little grimy.
Prada Goat Fur Messenger bag – BEFORE
When I received my bag back from Avelle’s service, it was wonderfully packaged (I’m a huge critic on how things are packed and shipped 😉 ) and it looked amazing and even smelled like new!
So instead of looking to replace that old stained Gucci bag, save some $$ for your shoe fund and have Avelle’s Handbag Repair make that bag just like new for the fraction of the cost of a new designer bag! The best part – STYLEMOM readers get an additional %20 off any handbag repair service!!! Just write STYLEMOM on your order form and you will receive this exclusive discount! Now that’s a recessionista good deal!
Check out the video of this amazing service, and be sure to give your designer bags the love and care they need with Avelle’s Handbag Repair Service.