EAS_Active_DblDropLOGOI just wanted to congrats and a proud shout out to the EA Sports Active 30 Day Challenge team. A few weeks ago I visited with them and the wonderful folks at EA Sports to see all the fun features of the new EA Sports Active.

This platform takes away all the excuses that many folks have (especially busy moms) as why they don’t have time, etc. to work out and put fitness into their weekly routine. If hiring a personal trainer or gym membership is not in your budget, get EAS Active, your virtual trainer, nutritionist and gym – all in one box. Check out some of the features:

[vodpod id=ExternalVideo.835440&w=425&h=350&fv=%26rel%3D0%26border%3D0%26]

Remember: A healthy you is a happy you – here’s the proof, look at the smiles on the EAS Active 30-Day Challenge team’s faces. It was a blast to hang with the EAS crew and some of my fellow blog friends:

EAS_30DayChallengeTeam(Meet the 30 Day Challenge Team and Read their diaries on getting fit)

IsabelKallman_EASactive(Isabel Kallman of AlphaMom showin’ off her skills to Renee J. Ross of Cutie Booty Cakes)

BlogMoms at EAS Active Event(Kimberly Coleman of Mom in the City, Jennifer James of Mom Bloggers Club & Renee J. Ross of Cutie Booty Cakes)

Jessica Knows and MomspectiveJessica Smith of Jessica Knows and Julie Maloney of Momspective

Euphorialuv, Stylemom & NewYorkChica(Onica Cupido of Blasian Baby Notes, Nichelle Pace (me;) of Stylemom, and Lisa Perez of New York Chica

So with fitness on the brain, I’m inviting all Stylemom readers to get Sexy For Summer!!!Sexy 4 Summer

STYLEMOM Sexy For Summer Contest:

Win an EA Sports Active Game for Nintendo Wii, take the 30-Day Challenge in a new pair of Terra Linda cross-trainers from Ahnu Footwear, and get in swimsuit shape for a new sexy swimsuit from Swimwear Boutique!

One lucky fashionista will win a Sexy For Summer Prize Package including:

EASactiveGameOne EA Sports Active game for Nintendo Wii

Terra Linda AhnuA Pair of stylish Terra Linda cross-training shoes from Ahnu Footwear


$50.00 gift certificate to SwimwearBoutique.com

Ways to enter:

– Sign up for the STYLEMOM updates (click SM logo at top of page on right) OR

– Leave a comment on this post OR

Tweet me why you want to be Summer Sexy with hashtag #Sexy4Summer OR

– Join the Stylemom Facebook Group and/or leave a comment on the group page

**Contest runs through 12 midnight EST July 13th – One winner will be randomly chosen and notified Tuesday, July 14th. 1 entry per person. Contest restricted to those with U.S. mailing addresses only.

Good luck!