Photo credit:  Huffington Post*

No one on the planet has swagger and strength like us moms (and women in general 😉 ).

I’m sure you have seen or heard all the buzz about British star, M.I.A, rockin’ it out on stage on her due date. Not only was it her due date, but reports were that her contractions started right before she took the stage with hip hop greats Jay-Z, Kanye West, T.I. (whose girlfriend Tameka “Tiny” Cottle, formerly of Xscape, looked a hot mess with those outrageous boobs on the red carpet..T.I..when you’re ready for some class – call me you sexy devil I’m jockin’ your fresh! lol), and Lil Wayne.

Were M.I.A’s outfits a bit outrageous? Of course! Would you wear them in everyday life? Of course not! But if you’re a rockstar mom, that’s how you work it. M.I.A wore a polka-dot black and white dress with leggins designed by the funky UK designer, Henry Holland, and in mommy fashion wore a pair of comfy white kicks – you know her feet and ankles were swolen!

The great journalists at the Huffington Post have more indepth coverage of the hip-hop rock star mommy’s gear here:

M.I.A.’s Maternity Wear: A Retrospective

Check out M.I.A. doing her thing, contractions and all:

MIA/ Kanye West/ Jay-Z/ Lil Wayne / TI – Grammys – 2009

Are you a rockstar mom and proud of it? Well STYLEMOM has put together some funky styles just for you and your little rockstars. Get your swagger on rockin’ mommies!

Click through images and get pricing at our Polyvore page:
Rockin Mamma
Rockin Mamma – by Stylemom07 on
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Rockstar baby girl by stylemom – by Stylemom07 on
Rockstar baby boy for stylemom
Rockstar baby boy for stylemom – by Stylemom07 on